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Flood maps are changing!

The FEMA flood maps will be changing effective on March 23, 2021. These maps are called FIRMs (Flood Insurance Rate Map) and were last updated in 1986.
The new designations are now referred to by the zones below:
Zone X (formerly Zone C) – low-risk zone
Zone Shaded X (formerly Zone B) – moderate-risk zone (0.2% annual chance flood)
Zone AO – areas of shallow flooding
Zone AE – high-risk zone (1% annual chance Flood)
Zone VE – coastal high-hazard zone
You can also find out more information on the town of Hilton Head Islands website and a list of frequently asked questions. Click here.  There is also the ability to search your new zone by your street address. This could potential mean big savings on your flood insurance policies!
View new flood maps – UpdatedFloodZonesMap

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